I design experiences your users will fall in love with.

I'm not formally trained as a UX Designer, but I am passionate about creating interfaces that are loved by many. Some of my products are used by leading brands like MTN, ExxonMobil and thousands of people across Africa.

My design principles


Beautiful design creates impact.

I have a lot of experience in tech, customer support and business. At the beginning of every project, I focus on understanding your business goals and objectives before beginning my design process.

Design for real people.

When designing, I find a balance between visually appealing design and functional systems. I always try to build products where each interaction leads to a useful experience. Any waste is disposed.

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UNOTelos Website


March 2022–Present


Web & Mobile web


UX Designer


UNOTelos Ltd is a multi-systems integrator focused on providing customized software solutions tailored to their customers' needs and industry. They provide top-tier IT solutions in Africa and beyond through key global alliances. In the new landing page, we planned to solve the problems below in two months. The results have been amazing.

My Role

I led the design, user testing, and development team on this project from end to end. I collaborated with the Engineers at Unotelos Ltd during the early ideation stage and a Copywriter (Debra), and SEO specialist (Isabella) throughout the entire project.


They had an existing website but were struggling with conversions. Users had a need for their multi-systems services, but had no idea what the company actually offered. They were receiving messages from people who had no intention to continue with their services due to lack of useful information.

uno landing

The old landing page is outdated.

It had not been redesigned in three years. The design of the site represented an aged user experience.


Several features were no longer offered by the company, while the contact persons had changed.


Customers were enquiring about services that didn't exist, leading to poor conversion.

uno brand

Brand Perception

The copywriting and visual representation of the brand were unappealing–no emotional branding or defined strategy.


Customers were enquiring about services that didn't exist, leading to poor conversion.


Customers were enquiring about services that didn't exist, leading to poor conversion.

uno experience

Inconsistent Experience

Inconsistent design breaks user experience and increases technical issues. Users are likely to get lost on the website.


The design components are not consistent across pages. Too many pages also causes information overload.


Without a consistent UI and clean design, excessive time will be spent iterating on solutions.

Defining the problem

"How could we redesign a better experience for our customers to save more time and contact us with better knowledge of our services?"


Update user experience with relevant content

To work with the engineering team and copywriter to build a website that shows relevant content and removes buzzwords from the website. Get rid of technical mumbo-jumbo to tailor the key words to meet consumer interests. Make content stand out based on past consumer behaviour and needs.

Strengthen the value proposition and core products

With new services introduced, we want to highlight our core product offerings that go beyond Mobile Networking solutions. We aim to allow a hub and spoke design for our customers to find related services from the main services offerings. All of this will take place while strengthening service discovery on web and mobile.

Operational efficiency

To optimize internal operations, we will build scalable design components, which will work across Mobile Networks, Enterprise Solutions, Hospitality and Public Sector Solutions.


For confidentiality purposes relating to the organization, these metrics have been omitted.

Our users

Before we started designing, we deep dive into existing behavioral and purchase data of our users to understand them better. We also conducted a series of customer interviews. We focused on identifying what services our customers are looking to engage us on. We defined 2 user archetypes, and mapped them to their respective actions.


The Corporate Juggernaut

They are interested in discovering UnoTelos's services and contacting them to get a quote on a specific micro-service.


When I want to request for a micro-service, I want to have as much information about it as possible, to avoid wasting my time and resources.

digital grower

The Digital Grower

A smaller organization like a hotel or small business that is keen on improving their digital nativity. They want to know how they can set themselves apart from competition.


When I'm interested in upgrading my company's digital services, I want to know where to look and have an idea of UnoTelos's key offerings.


Design Sprints

We conducted design sprints to facilitate collaboration across departments. Product Designers, Product Managers, Creatives, Engineers and the Business contributed their fresh ideas in this sprint. The purpose of these sprints is to align everyone on the same goal—To improve our consumer experience by solving our user's problems today.


I sketched multiple user flows to visualize ideas quickly. My focus at this stage is to diverge first, converge later. Here are some early sketches of the Enterprise Solutions Page.

Early Designs

A sneak peek into my early wireframes, mid-fidelity designs and drafts. The designs passed through at least 10 iterations per screen. The changes occurred due to improvements in the overall user experience.

Home Page

We want our home page to be descriptive, showing the main services that UnoTelos offers and being as clutter-free as possible. Visitors of the site should immediately be able to find what they need from the home page. These designs did not make the cut because they were not scalable and didn't meat the company's value proposition.

Mobile Networks Page

We want our mobile networks page broken down into sections where users can jump to the areas they want without scrolling through the entire page. One of the main focuses with this page was to draw the users to the calls to action (contact UnoTelos to enquire about a service). This could only be achieved if the information was clear. The user should not be overwhelmed, but should be well informed.

We developed over 15 iterations

The initial designs went through several user tests, discussions with operations, engineering, marketing and business teams to ensure we have a friendly and scalable user experience. I wish I could show you every single part of the process but it's not very feasible.

Usability Testing & User Interviews

To validate our designs we tested by sharing the link to 10 UNOTelos company personnel and 5 of their current partners to get their feedback on any design breaks experienced. We were able to collect this critical feedback which helped us iterate our solution further. The results of the test are confidential at this time.

Final Designs

Here's a detailed walkthrough of the UnoTelos website.

A brand new website befitting a multi-systems integrator.

Before the redesign, the website was cluttered, it had a lack of focus on UnoTelos' core services. Now, UnoTelos has a fresh new modern look and a better experience. To improve the brand and product perception, we introduced new, scalable components, and redesigned reusable interactions.

Our learnings

Adapt to changing consumer behaviour

We needed to stay focused on the goal, but also account for changes to the product to match the behaviour of the current and potential users.

Define the brand and let the design follow

With a major user experience revamp, several internal processes are affected. For example, the engineering team needs to change how they interact with services that have now been grouped under Enterprise Solutions, working hand in hand with the Marketing and communications teams to deliver seamless support to their users.

If these teams didn't collaborate, listen to their concerns, and evolve the tools they worked with, the beautiful website revamp would look nice only as a prototype, but fall flat once implemented in production. Hence, many alignment initiatives had to take place in the background, such as re-defining brand guidelines.


Post-launch optimization

This is an important next step for every UX improvement or product launch. With our website set to relaunch, we will be constantly working on improving the design. With informed, actionable insights, we are focused on delivering a better experience for our consumers.

Keep designing streamlined experiences

Keep focusing on the product roadmap and stick to clearly defined design principles.

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